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Operations on Tree Graphs

Neurons can be represented as centerline skeletons which themselves are rooted trees or "directed acyclic graphs" (DAG) where each node has at most a single parent (root nodes will have no parents).

Representing a neuron as directed acyclic graph.
Figure 1: Representing a neuron as directed acyclic graph.

Rooted trees have two huge advantages over general graphs:

First, they are super compact and can, at the minimum, be represented by just a single vector of parent indices (with root nodes having negative indices).

Rooted tree graphs are compact.
Figure 2: Rooted tree graphs are compact.

Second, they are much easier/faster to traverse because we can make certain assumptions that we can't for general graphs. For example, we know that there is only ever (at most) a single possible path between any pair of nodes.

Finding the distance between two nodes.
Figure 3: Finding the distance between two nodes.

While networkx has some DAG-specific functions they don't implement anything related to graph traversal.

Available functions

The Python bindings for navis-fastcore currently cover the following functions: