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Selecting objects#

This section will demonstrate how to select objects in your viewer. Octarine offers two options:

  1. "Picking" by clicking on individual objects
  2. Drawing a selection rectangle to select objects


Octarine wraps pygfx's basic picking system. This allows you to easily select objects by double clicking on them:

v = oc.Viewer()

# Make 3 cubes that are slightly offset against each other
import pygfx as gfx
for i in range(3):
    color = ['red', 'green', 'blue'][i]
    cube = gfx.Mesh(
        gfx.box_geometry(200, 200, 200),
    cube.local.x = 300 * i
    v.add(cube, name=f"{color} cube")

# Tell viewer to select objects on double click
v.on_double_click = "select"

See the help for v.on_double_click for other presets.

Selection color

You can change the color used to highlight selected objects:

v.highlight_color = "purple"

Alternatively, you can also adjust the behavior when hovering over objects:

# Highlight objects when hovering over them
v.on_hover = "highlight"

If you want a custom behaviour, have a look at the logic behind the Viewer.on_double_click setter - pygfx makes it ridiculously easy to hook into the event system. We're also happy to extend the current list of options - please open a Github Issue if you have suggestions!

Last but not least, these setting can also be accessed through the control panel:

picking controls

Drawing Selections#

In this section you will learn to hook up a selection widget to a viewer to make more complex selections.

We'll start by importing octarine and the SelectionGizmo:

import octarine as oc
from octarine.selection import SelectionGizmo

Next, we will instantiate the viewer and add a few cubes:

v = oc.Viewer()

# Make 3 cubes that are slightly offset against each other
import pygfx as gfx
for i in range(3):
    color = ['red', 'green', 'blue'][i]
    cube = gfx.Mesh(
        gfx.box_geometry(200, 200, 200),
    cube.local.x = 300 * i
    v.add(cube, name=f"{color} cube")

three cubes

Note that we have given our cubes some useful names:

>>> v.objects
OrderedDict([('red cube', [<pygfx.Mesh  at 0x3565dca10>]),
             ('green cube', [<pygfx.Mesh  at 0x356441f10>]),
             ('blue cube', [<pygfx.Mesh  at 0x14ef4c450>])])

Next, we will add a SelectionGizmo to the viewer:

# Instantiate the gizmo and link it to our viewer
sel = SelectionGizmo(viewer=v)

Now if you hold Shift and click & drag on the viewer, you should see a selection rectangle being drawn:

drawing a selection

Other than that nothing happens. That's because we haven't told the SelectionGizmo what do do once a selection has been made. For that, we need to attach a callback function that accepts a dictionary describing the selection. Let's write a little function that just prints the content of that dictionary and attach as callback:

from pprint import pprint

def print_selection(sel_dict):
    pprint("Selection made:")


Now if we make a selection, you should see something like this in your console:

'Selection made:'
{'blue cube': {'clipped': False,
               'contained': False,
               'objects': [{'clipped': False,
                            'contained': False,
                            'data': None}]},
 'green cube': {'clipped': True,
                'contained': False,
                'objects': [{'clipped': True,
                             'contained': False,
                             'data': array([False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, True, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, True, False, True])}]},
 'red cube': {'clipped': True,
              'contained': True,
              'objects': [{'clipped': True, 'contained': True, 'data': None}]}}

If you look closely, you will see that the selection rectangle:

  1. missed the blue cube
  2. clipped the green cube
  3. fully contained the red cube

For the clipped green cube, the dictionary gives us an array (data) that tells us which vertices of the cube were in- (True) and which were outside (False) of the selection box.

Let's do something more elaborate and add a callback that highlight cubes that we selected:

def highlight_selection(sel_dict):
    # First unhighlight all currently highlighted objects

    # Now highlight the selected neurons
    v.highlight_objects([ob for ob, props in sel_dict.items() if props['clipped'] is True])


highlighting a selection